• Unreconciled Votes and Registration Issues in Pennsylvania

    • 115,000 - 120,000 votes remain unreconciled (“More votes than voters”), with votes not credited to a voter in the SURE system.

    • 8,300 registrations initially given credit for voting in the 2020 election were removed shortly after.

    • 60,000+ missing ballot images in Allegheny County, despite access being granted to ballot images and CVRs from 2020.

    • 10,515 mail ballots returned by individuals not registered on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls before, during, or after the election.

    • 71,893 mail ballots were recorded after the legislative deadline of 11/3 at 8 PM (Minimum of 38k counted, likely higher).

    • 16,000+ votes came from people who left Pennsylvania between mid-2016 and a month before the 2020 election (ineligible to vote in PA).

    • 11,000+ votes were cast by people who moved into a new county but showed as voting in their previous county.

    • 74,000 registrations “reappeared” on the voter rolls, with 55.8k of them casting a vote in the 2020 election, all having missing earlier export data.

    • 56,681 registrations appeared at least twice, with approximately 30,000 excess duplicate registrations.

    • 275,000 illegal votes in Philadelphia according to 2000 Mules data (50 dropbox visits, 5 ballots per visit).

    Canvassing and Voter Roll Analysis

    • Canvassed over 5,000 homes across 15+ counties.

    • 53% of homes visited reported some issue with the 2020 election:

      • Canvassing began with a scientific approach, including suspected issue registrations alongside “controls.”

    • Migrated to a new format in late 2021, focusing on issue households, identifying new fraud vectors:

      • The new format yields a 95% anomaly rate.

      • Allegheny County consistently saw 98% anomaly rates with the new approach.

      • Found phantom registrations or votes at nearly 50% of households visited.

    • If extrapolated, Pennsylvania’s voter rolls could be bloated by over one million registrations.

  • February 8th
    Petition Launched for Forensic Audit

    • A petition is initiated to demand a forensic audit of the election process.

    April 21st
    Rally in Harrisburg on Capitol Steps

    • Over 15,000 signatures are collected on the petition. A large rally is held on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg to support the forensic audit.

    May 18th
    Primary Election

    • The primary election takes place with three referendum questions on the ballot. These referendums effectively end Governor Wolf's COVID-19 emergency powers.

    120,000 Petition Signatures Reached

    • By the end of June, the petition for a forensic audit reaches 120,000 signatures.

    July 13th, 2021
    Audit The Vote Becomes a Nonprofit

    • "Audit The Vote" officially becomes a registered nonprofit organization.

    August 10th - 12th
    Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, SD

    • Members attend Mike Lindell’s first Cyber Symposium on election integrity, held in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

    August 18th
    Dinner with President Trump in Bedminster, NJ

    • A pivotal meeting is held with former President Donald Trump at his Bedminster, New Jersey estate.

    Toni's Media Tour Begins

    • Toni appears on Steven Bannon’s WarRoom for the first time, marking the beginning of a media tour to raise awareness about election integrity.

    $50,000 Raised for TV Campaign and Billboards

    • Audit The Vote raises $50,000 to fund a TV commercial and erect billboards in 13 cities across Pennsylvania to expose election fraud.

  • February 2nd
    Press Release: Canvassing Results for Lancaster County

    • Released the results of canvassing efforts in Lancaster County, highlighting discrepancies in voter data.

    March 9th, 2022
    Petition to Decertify the 2020 Election Results

    • Launched a petition to decertify the 2020 election results, gaining 14,000 signatures within one week.

    March 18th
    Voter Integrity Conference: 2020 Canvassing Results Released

    • Presented official 2020 canvassing results at Senator Doug Mastriano’s Voter Integrity Conference.

    March 28th
    Press Release: Canvassing Results from 12 Counties

    • Announced the results from canvassing across 12 counties, having knocked on over 3,000 doors and uncovering massive discrepancies.

    May 17th
    Primary Elections: Data Anomalies and Recount Request

    • Challenger Mike Miller runs against incumbent Senator Ryan Aument, citing data anomalies in reporting. His petition for a recount is denied, and litigation continues over access to paper ballots.

    June 13th
    Press Release: Petitioners in Lancaster County Seek Hand Counts

    • Announced efforts by Lancaster County petitioners to seek hand counts of election results.

    July 19th
    Press Release: Response to Lancaster News Paper (LNP)

    • Addressed attempts by the LNP to discredit canvassing efforts due to a minor error that was corrected and did not impact the final results.

    August 4th
    Report Released to County Commissioners

    • A comprehensive report was released to all county commissioners, with recommendations based on findings from the 2020 canvassing efforts. A corresponding press release was issued on August 17th.

    October 17th
    NCOA Voter Registration Report Released

    • Published a report revealing that 241,667 registered voters in Pennsylvania no longer reside in the state. A press release accompanied the findings.

    October 31st
    Unverified Mail-in Ballot Report Published

    • Released a report detailing the discrepancies in unverified mail-in ballots.

    November 2nd
    Press Release: Unverified Mail-in Ballot Report

    • Issued a press release highlighting the findings from the unverified mail-in ballot report.

    November 8th, 2022
    Gubernatorial Election Day

    • Discovered an impossible mail-in ballot data point on the State Department’s website for election returns. Further investigation revealed that the election result totals were changing days after the election had ended.

    • Based on these anomalies, $25,000 in recount challenges were filed across more than 30 counties, requesting hand recounts of paper ballots. None of the recount requests were granted.

  • January 18th
    Report Released: 2022 Midterm Recap

    • A detailed report is published, recapping key findings and issues from the 2022 midterm elections.

    "Follow My Ballot" Video Released

    • A video is recorded and released to expose the lack of transparency in the election process, particularly focusing on the "Follow My Ballot" system.

    November 7th
    Municipal Election Day: Vote Discrepancies Discovered

    • During the Supreme Court Judge race, over 350,000 in-person votes for the Republican candidate are reportedly removed from the election returns on the State Department's website.

    November 16th
    Gateway Pundit Verifies Vote Discrepancy

    • After the candidate's campaign and the state GOP initially refuse to address the issue, the Gateway Pundit verifies the information and publishes a story, forcing the state GOP to acknowledge the vote discrepancy.

  • January
    Public Records Request Uncovers Reporting Error Discrepancy

    • A public records request reveals that the explanation provided by the State Department regarding a reporting error in the 2023 Municipal Election does not match the reporting log from the county.

    March 6th
    Press Release: Response to Governor Shapiro’s Election Security Task Force

    • Released a press statement in response to Governor Shapiro's announcement of the formation of an Election Security Task Force.

    April 6th
    Live Hand Count Demonstration with Linda Rantz

    • Conducted a live hand-counting demonstration in collaboration with Linda Rantz from Cause of America to showcase the accuracy of manual vote counting.

    April 23rd
    Presidential Primaries: State Department Website Revamped

    • During the Presidential Primaries, it was discovered that the State Department had revamped its entire website, making it impossible to detect vote reporting issues. However, there is still no explanation for the findings from the November 7th Municipal Election.

    June 24th
    Live Hand Count Demonstration and Press Conference in Harrisburg

    • A live hand-counting demonstration and a press conference were held in Harrisburg to continue raising awareness of vote integrity and transparency.