Audit The Vote’s mission is to ensure that every American has access to the ballot box through an election process that is both safe and secure, efficient and effective, while maintaining the utmost transparency in the vote counting and vote reporting processes.


We closely monitor publicly available, election data including voter registration details, mail-in ballot applications, and reporting results on a county by county basis, while we advocate for robust electoral policies, providing educational resources and fostering civic engagement, so that all Americans can have confidence in our system.


Audit The Vote became a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization in the summer of 2021, born out of the determination of ordinary Americans who had never been politically active before 2020. Just months earlier, this group penned a powerful letter to their elected officials, recounting the events that began on November 4, 2020, and culminated with Joe Biden's inauguration in January 2021. This letter, which evolved into a petition demanding a full forensic audit of the 2020 election, struck a chord with citizens across the entire nation. In less than five months, it gathered over 120,000 signatures, igniting a grassroots movement for election integrity. What began as a small voice of concern quickly transformed into a powerful statewide demand for transparency and accountability in our electoral process.